Knowing the difference between Tax Filer and Tax Advisor

As a financial planning team, we know firsthand how important it is to have strong financial professionals supporting you. One of the most important relationships you need to cultivate, especially as a business owner, is the relationship you have with your accountant. Are you working with a tax advisor or simply a tax filer? Do you know the difference?

Knowing how to properly work with your accountant is an important part of your financial success. For many business owners, dealing with taxes is a constant challenge, so having a trusted accountant will help to ease the stress associated with navigating your taxes.

Make it a priority to work with an accountant who is proactive when it comes to filing, organizing, and reducing your tax bill. To learn more, check out our blog post here: How to Effectively Work With Your Accountant | Jackie Porter News Blog (

And if you are looking for a new accountant, email for our vetted list of professionals. We’re happy to help especially as you get ready to file your taxes for 2022!


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