As a financial advisor for lawyers, I and my team dedicate this page to provide top-notch content for lawyers who are Partners in firms or those working in the industry with under 25 employees. We tackle financial issues that lawyers face as they move through their career and offer resources, tools and timely advice you can use to increase your net worth, all without having to work harder!
Check our resources below and click here to book a complimentary 30-minute consultation session where we will guide you and get you started on your journey towards building and managing your wealth!
We welcome your feedback and any suggestions, ideas or tips you would like to see shared on this page. Simply contact us and feel free to pass on any relevant info you see here to others in your community.
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Jackie Porter gives back to the legal community by presenting at events, participating on speaker panels and contributing to legal publications.

Download Jackie’s White Paper, exclusively for legal professionals.
To access Jackie’s White Paper simply share your email address below and you’ll receive the Paper by email.
Jackie’s 360° Process and how she can help you.
Jackie specializes in working with legal professionals by applying a 360º process designed to bring value in how you see your financial circumstances. The 360º Snapshot is comprised of six essential components:
Financial Priorities
Cash Flow Management
Risk Management
Tax Planning
Investment Planning
Estate Planning
During the process of constructing a financial plan, each different component must be properly addressed. Jackie’s goal is to ensure that every client takes full advantage of all their financial planning opportunities.
What’s Your Financial IQ?
We invite you to take advantage of our complimentary 30-minute phone consultation to privately discuss your financial situation and learn how we can help build, or re-build, your financial fortress. Here is the link to complete our confidential online assessment.
Individual Pension Plans for Legal Professionals
Pension plans provide the best financial security in retirement, but most self-employed individuals and professionals still do not know that they are available for use. If you are self-employed, own your own business or a professional with your own practice, then we’re here to make it easy so that you can take advantage of this superior retirement savings option.
To learn more, click here