Team Jackie Porter 360° Endorsements

Thank you so much for taking time to chat with the ladies at our Women's Leadership & Inclusion event today. We really appreciate your insights and leadership with financial planning.

Thanks for presenting to us solid information on Financially Surviving a Layoff or Reorganization. It has open my eyes to how many careers we will be changing in the next 10 to 20 years.

I have found her to be professional and informative. I have appreciated the energy she brought to her workshops. It is no easy feat to motivate people in a financial workshop. Our members who have participated in her workshops over the years felt empowered as they learned information to take charge of their financial situation. I speak from personal experience. The feedback from our members has always been very positive. Ms. Porter is a professional whom I would certainly endorse for others.

Thank you for joining us! The information was valuable and together with Samy’s present did a great job of getting to the heart of many challenges people face. All the best!
On behalf of the ICF-GTA

Jackie is an engaging and informed financial planner, who outlines practical solutions for professionals who are looking to manage finances intelligently.
On behalf of the ICF-GTA

I am very happy to have been referred to Jackie by another colleague who uses her and grateful for expertise in helping me to build and protect my wealth.

I recommended Jackie to many people and they have all benefited from her services. One of my friend mentioned to me that “she wish that she would have started working with her earlier”.
I am very satisfied and grateful to work with Jackie and highly recommend her!