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Retirement Planning: 5 Points On How To Earn Your Financial Freedom after retirement

Are you behind retirement planning and want to gain financial freedom after retirement? Keep reading to find our 5 ways to reach financial freedom!

“Financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.” – Suze Orman


Can you remember when you were in your late 20’s? You were a professional business-minded woman whose aim was to touch the sky! Now, you are in your 50s and nearing retirement without a financial plan. If you aren’t sure of what steps you should take to plan for your retirement, my team is here to help you with our insights.


Here are our 5 points for successful retirement planning:


  1. Set your retirement goals

You have to increase your yearly savings to maximize what you will have saved in retirement. Setting retirement goals have become more difficult than before, and many people dealing with the pandemic, have experienced a financial setback.

Working with a trusted financial planner who can map out your retirement goals with, can make all the difference. From your investments to where you should open your savings account to get a higher interest rate; you can get all types of financial advice from the financial planner.

So, the financial planner is going to guide you in setting your retirement goals if you ask for help from the right financial expert.


  1. Focus on reducing your expenses and strictly follow your budget

You have reached your 50s; it means you are almost on the verge of your retirement. Now, you want a peaceful retirement along with much-desired financial freedom.

You should now focus on reducing your expenses and stick to your budget. By curtailing your expenses, you may save some amount much-needed for your retirement contribution.


  1. Boost your income

You can divide this subpoint into two parts.

  1. You would be surprised what you can save if you practise this valuable habit. Focus on increasing what you save towards your retirement account and reducing what you spend on non-essential items such as luxury items.
  2. Creating passive income can give you an extra income avenue apart from your business or employment income.

For example, you may start investing in REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) as a passive income avenue. Rental income from an extra room or investment property is another example.

So, apart from earning from working your day job; you can start passive-investing.


  1. Solve your debt-problems sooner rather than later

You have already crossed 40 years of age. You may be aware of how the high-interest rate of credit card debts is capable of robbing you of your hard-earned money. That is why you should try to solve your debt problems as soon as possible.

Other than the unsecured credit card debts;  stay away from payday loans.

A financial planner who specializes in cashflow management is a great resource to assist you with fixing your debt challenges.


  1. Invest smartly to retire sooner than expected and earn financial freedom

You are living in a time when you can get help from financial advisors for everyday financial dilemmas. These financial advisors are good at giving investment-related advice and provide protection from financial risks.


Final words

Follow these 5 points and consult a financial planner to get you started with retirement planning and help you to co-create your happy-retirement journey. Reach out to our team for a free 30-minute session on how we can help you slay your financial goals!

Remember this quote by Catherine Pulsifer: “Retirement, a time to enjoy all the things you never had time to do when you worked.”


Author Bio: Catherine Burke is a financial writer for online payday loan consolidation. She provides information on successful cash loans and payday loan consolidation to help people get over a difficult patch. She lives in Kansas and has earned a frame in the matter of payday loans. 

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Pelin Mamaoglu

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