Single by Choice or Chance

Our planning team supports single individuals who want to take charge of their finances whether they become single due to a divorce or widowhood or choose to be single based on embracing life on their own. We are here for you! I and my team members intend to build a library of resources, tools and tips for individuals who are single by choice…or who find themselves suddenly single because of divorce or widowhood.  Check our resources below and click here to book a complimentary 30-minute consultation session where we will guide you and get you started on your journey towards building and managing your wealth!

If there are resources you would like to see on this page or you have feedback on the information we’ve provided, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

We would love to hear from you about your experience of becoming suddenly single (especially from a financial standpoint) to help and encourage both yourself and others who are walking a similar path.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Jackie’s monthly Newsletter.

What’s Your Financial IQ?

We invite you to take advantage of our complimentary 30-minute phone consultation to privately discuss your financial situation and learn how we can help build, or re-build, your financial fortress. Here is the link to complete our confidential online assessment.

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    Videos & Podcasts

    The Breaking Money Silence® podcast interview.


    SINGLE BY CHOICE OR CHANCE… The smart woman’s guide to living longer, better.

    Co-authors: Jackie Porter and Jill O’Donnell
    143-pages soft-cover

    If you are over 45, single by choice or chance, living in Canada today and are examining the options for your future, this book is for you. The path you take depends on your preparedness from where you will live to how best to cope with aging parents and how you will address your own financial future. This book will assist you in designing a life plan that encompasses not only financial goals but also your other life priorities- such as your career, relationships, and other personal goals.

    Order your copy (or a copy for someone you know) and find your own path to a happy, healthy, and financially stable and longer life.

    Click here to Purchase 'Single by Choice or chance'