covid small business loan phase 2
The COVID shutdown heavily impacted the economy, especially small local businesses. This week on our Insta Live we discussed Businesses and Phase 2 of COVID with our guest speakers Gina from GBoyd Boutique and Jenna from Early Bird and Worm. We shared the financial and mental challenges business owners face during COVID, and how Phase 2 changed their business. We also discussed whether there are enough COVID small business loan and resources for small businesses, and the advice these ladies have for other small business owners. If you want the full conversation, you can watch the video here or check our Youtube summary above.
The government is helping many businesses and individuals by introducing a number of financial support programs. However, our guest Gina said the process to apply for some of these programs have been very tedious. She shared how spent 8 hours going over her bills with her bookkeeper to apply. Our second guest Jenna also confirmed that she qualified for only one program but missed on other programs due to eligibility. Overall, The process is very slow with a large number of businesses applying.
Aside from these financial challenges, mental challenges can be a major threat. Constantly changing COVID guidelines, suppliers expecting payments, and searching for a COVID small business loan have a constantly changing impact on businesses. Trying to survive this economic turbulence while adapting to these changes and expectations can cause great mental health risks. In addition to all this, the pressure to support staff so they can continue paying their bills while keeping them safe is also very mentally challenging.
Throughout all of the uncertainty, sole proprietors are under continual stress. For sole proprietors, the responsibilities can feel impossible to manage with no partner or larger team to share the burden with. Also, for business owners who are parents, there is the added ambiguity of whether kids will go back to school or not. As a working mom, Jenna shared how being a working parent is already difficult, and even more challenging during COVID. Last week, we had a detailed discussion about Working Moms during COVID, if you want to learn about the challenges working parents face, you can click here.
Jenna said she applied for CERB and a COVID small business loan for herself. For her staff, she lowered their hours for them to receive CERB while maintaining the needed level of staff. She also applied and got rent relief from the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA), which is a fund provided to businesses to help pay rent during COVID. However, as mentioned above, both our guests had very little funding available to them because of the size of their small business.
In addition, business owners need to develop a business plan on how to get back up and achieve their goals. It’s very easy to forget planning during this rapidly changing environment. Business owners also need to think long term and decide if they have a viable business that will grow and recover even after COVID is over. The current struggles for funding are very hard to manage. Thus, business owners need to decide if it is worth it continue or if they need to pivot.
The most important insight was how COVID is very tough and business owners need to support each other. Jenna shared how she puts aside some of her revenues to give back to the community. As a business owner with kids, she empathizes with others that might be in the same situation, if not worse. Giving back allows her to stay positive and to be grateful for what she has.
We hope you enjoyed reading our blog about ‘Small Business and Phase 2 of COVID’. You can find more relevant content about the latest financial news and our live chats on our News Blog. To learn more about our discussion, you can check our comprehensive short summary video (hyperlink of Youtube video) on our Youtube channel and the full live chat here. Stay tuned to learn more tips on a new topic each week on our Instagram Live at 5 on Instagram! To check last week’s blog article about ‘Vacations During COVID’, click here.
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